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The Glass Demon

The Glass Demon

Author(s): Helen Grant

Location(s): Bad Münstereifel, Cologne (Köln)

Genre(s): Mystery, Young Adult

Era(s): Modern



The first death

Seventeen-year-old Lin Fox finds a body in an orchard. As she backs away in horror, she steps on broken glass.

The second death

Then blood appears on her doorstep – blood, and broken glass.

The third death

Something terrible is found in the cemetery. Shards of broken glass lie by a grave.

Who will be next?

As the attacks become more sinister, Lin doesn’t know who to trust. She’s getting closer to the truth behind these chilling discoveries, but with each move the danger deepens.

Because someone wants Lin gone – and won’t give up until he’s got rid of her and her family. Forever.

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