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The Grave Tattoo

The Grave Tattoo

Author(s): Val McDermid

Location(s): London, The Lake District

Genre(s): Historical, Mystery

Era(s): Modern, various



A 200 year-old-secret is now a matter of life and death.
And it could be worth a fortune.

It’s summer in the Lake District and heavy rain over the fells has uncovered a bizarrely tattooed body. Could it be linked to the old rumour that Fletcher Christian, mutinous First Mate on the Bounty, had secretly returned to England?

Scholar Jane Gresham wants to find out. She believes that the Lakeland poet William Wordsworth, a friend of Christian’s, may have sheltered the fugitive and turned his tale into an epic poem – which has since disappeared.

But as she follows each lead, death is hard on her heels. The centuries-old mystery is putting lives at risk. And it isn’t just the truth that is waiting to be discovered, but a bounty worth millions …

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The Grave Tattoo is set in the Lake District and down to a sink estate in London and back to the Lake District – it is an interesting comparison of locations. The calm and...

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