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Greek Letters Volume 2 and After

Greek Letters Volume 2 and After

Author(s): Suzi Stembridge

Location(s): England, Europe, Nafplio

Genre(s): Fiction, Historical, Romance

Era(s): 1829-1900

Samuel, now a father, and accompanied by his servants, Cuthbert his Anglo/Irish man-servant and the four young Greeks whom he has taken under his wing, arrives in Nauplia (Nafplio in the Peloponnese) in 1829, just as this small city becomes the first capital of the independent state of Greece. Welcomed by his old friend Ioannis Nafrides who had sheltered Samuel from the worst of Ottoman life in their journey around the Peloponnese, he quickly becomes an important citizen, so much so that locals want him to become President after the death of Capodistrias. Samuel and his companions journey through Europe, between Nafplio and an emergent Manchester in Northern England, but is there a whiff of incest in the air? Indeed can love overcome and defeat blackmail by those who should have had Samuel’s interests at heart?

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