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Just Another Mountain

Just Another Mountain

Author(s): Sarah Jane Douglas

Location(s): Scottish Highlands, Nepal, Scotland

Genre(s): Autobiography/Memoirs

Era(s): 2000s/2010s



‘This uplifting memoir is testament that in life there are times when there is nothing for it but to scale that mountain’ – The Herald Best Summer Reads 2019

In 1997, at the age of 24, Sarah lost her mother to breast cancer. Alone and adrift in the world, she very nearly gave up hope – but she’d made a promise to her mother that she would keep going no matter what. So she turned to the beautiful, dangerous, forbidding mountains of her native Scotland.

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Author: tripfiction

Shortlisted for the Edward Stanford Travel Writing Awards 2020, APA Publications Travel Memoir Book of the Year. Sarah didn’t have the easiest of childhoods but when her Mum is taken from her with breast...

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