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Author(s): Jennifer Crusie

Location(s): Kentucky

Genre(s): Comedy, Fiction, RomCom

Era(s): early 21st century

Kate Svenson is attractive, successful, a brilliant businesswoman – and miserable. After three failed engagements, she realises it’s time for a PLAN…and organised, detailed agenda with a clear goal: finding Mr. Right.

The Cabins resort is ripe with eligible bachelors, all rich, distinguished and ambitious – just her type. And they’re dropping like flies around her…at least, that’s how Jake Templeton views the situation. After he’s stuck pulling her latest reject out of the swimming pool, Jake’s convinced this femme fatale is trouble. Especially for him.

But can a man who’s sworn off ambition for good and a woman hanging from the top of the corporate ladder find common ground in the unpredictable territory called the heart, where the word proposal takes on a very different meaning…?

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