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Meet Me Under the Ombu Tree

Meet Me Under the Ombu Tree

Author(s): Santa Montefiore

Location(s): Argentina

Genre(s): Fiction, Romance

Era(s): Modern



Sofia Solanas grew up on a magnificent ranch in the middle of the Argentine pampa, amid the grand traditions of the Argentine nobility and the mysticism of the native gauchos. Spoilt, wilful, resourceful and proud, she is loved by all around her. All, that is, except her Irish mother, Anna, who punishes her daughter for her own sense of alienation and inadequacy while doting on her sons. Then Sofia embarks on a passionate love affair that can only bring shame upon the family. When Anna discovers the relationship, she is horrified and sends Sofia away to Europe, inadvertently exiling her from her family and the man she loves for over twenty years. Until, years later, a family tragedy calls Sofia home.

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One of my top rated Santa Montefiore reads.. and as this review says: a kind of Anglo-Argentine DYNASTY, with lots of smouldering Latin boys swinging their polo mallets about. Very readable. (Telegraph Magazine)

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