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Moderate Becoming Good later

Moderate Becoming Good later

Author(s): Toby Carr, Katie Carr

Location(s): Europe

Genre(s): Adventure

Era(s): 2018 onwards

No stranger to weathering a storm after living with a rare life-limiting condition and facing the death of his brother, avid sea kayaker Toby Carr set out to explore the areas of the Shipping Forecast. A journey that took him to the harshest and most tranquil stretches of seas, he found the real people, places and stories behind the familiar names and imagines environments of the well-loved BBC broadcast. From the wildness and peace of the sea, looking back at the land, Toby hoped to gain the strength and balance he knew nature could provide and to discover what anchors us to each other.

Written by Toby’s sister Katie from his extensive notes and recordings after his untimely death, Moderate Becoming Good Later is both an epic adventure and a personal voyage of discovery that includes old friends and new, plenty of wildlife, and the ever present sea.

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