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My Christmas Curse

My Christmas Curse

Author(s): Joan Gable

Location(s): Indiana

Genre(s): Fiction

Era(s): early 21st century

Joan Gable does it again. She weaves a tale full of nostalgia and memories—perfect for the Christmas season.

What’s a Christmas Curse? It’s the unfortunate phenomenon that has plagued travel writer Megan Blake since childhood. She has very bad luck between Thanksgiving and Christmas, and it tends to get worse as Christmas approaches.

Meg had her boss and peers in stitches at the office Thanksgiving party as she told them stories of funny, awkward events that always seem to happen to her at Christmastime. Upon hearing her stories, her boss convinced her to write a daily column recapping her funny Christmas Curse stories.

Join Meg on her twenty-six day journey. As she writes a daily column about her Christmas Curse, she learns that no matter how unlucky your past may be, your future can always be bright.

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