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Author(s): Charles H. Harvey

Location(s): Angola, Congo (Democratic Republic of)

Genre(s): Autobiography/Memoirs

Era(s): 1960s-1990s

Gain a whole new perspective on an alternative interpretation of life shared by millions in Africa south of the Sahara. Set in Angola and the Congo, this biographical novel is based on a true story. The reader becomes immersed in the practical day-to-day implications of a world-view which includes a nearly inescapable web of witchcraft. Titi the heroine of the story, will have you smiling and shedding some tears as you look at life through her youthful eyes. Appreciate pivotal African values from an insider’s point of view by following the development of her thinking from childhood to young adulthood. The devastating effects of anarchy and civil war become vivid as you see the challenge of survival through young eyes. Mutual distrust distorts relationships in a world where kinfolk are always suspected of causing tragedy by using their hidden occult powers. Expect your mind to be changed. Charles Harvey has worked in Africa for most of his working years between 1959 and 1997. Charles grew up in Eastern Canada where he began his university studies then went to the Boston area where he completed both his undergraduate and graduate degrees. He was dedicated to grass roots leadership training in both Angola and the Congo. Fluent in French, Portuguese and Kikongo, he was obsessed with the understanding of local culture. Engagement in counseling with teams of African colleagues enabled him to gain a deep understanding of the people he learned to love and respect. He has published a number of works in the Kikongo and French languages addressing issues local people considered urgent. He was sometimes called a “black white man” because of his rapport and respect for local people. Charles and Frances Harvey have four children and are retired in Fredericton New Brunswick Canada.

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