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On Gallows Hill

On Gallows Hill

Author(s): Harriet J Kent

Location(s): Isle of Wight

Genre(s): Fiction, Historical

Era(s): Early 18th Century



Michal Morey was born on the Isle of Wight in the late 17th century. Employed as a woodcutter and married to Beth, they live in a run down cottage on the edge of Pan Wood. Michal was renowned for being an unpopular, jealous man with an evil temper. Richard Norris, a neighbour who holds a strong affection for Beth, vows to revenge Michal in some way. On Gallows Hill is loosely based upon a true story. It is a tale of love, hate and jealousy of a bitter woodcutter. Of how his temper drove him to commit the ultimate sacrifice. The remains of the cottage can still be seen nestled at Downend, on the Island.

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This is fresh approach, based on fact, the story behind a real murderer, Michael Morey and his capture and trial. You can still see the remains of his cottage, by Arreton… – Llewelynreads –

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