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Salzburg: City of Culture

Salzburg: City of Culture

Author(s): Hubert Nowak, Peter Lewis (Translator)

Location(s): Salzburg

Genre(s): In Translation, Literary Travel

Era(s): Various



Situated in the shadow of the Eastern Alps, Salzburg is known for its majestic baroque architecture, music, cathedrals, gardens. The city grew in power and wealth as the seat of prince-bishops, found international fame as the birthplace of the beloved composer Mozart, and expanded to become a global destination for travel as a festival city. With all its stunning sights and rich history, Salzburg has become Austria’s second most visited city, drawing visitors from around the world.

Hubert Nowak sets out to reveal the lesser-known side to Salzburg, a small town with international renown. Leaving the famed festival district, he plunges into in the narrow façade-lined streets of the old quarter, creating one of the most extensive accounts of the city published in English. Through the stories of those who visited and lived in the city over the centuries, he gives the reader a fresh perspective and gives the old city new life.

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