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Song of the Exile

Song of the Exile

Author(s): Kiana Davenport

Location(s): Hawai'i

Genre(s): Fiction

Era(s): WWII

Kiana Davenport immerses the reader into the land, history, and culture of the Hawaiian islands. Her own ancestry reaches back to the first Polynesians who settled in the islands more than 2000 years ago, and with a Hawaiian mother and a Caucasian father, Davenport is intimately connected with the merging of cultures in her native land.

Davenport’s language drips with the beauty of the islands and their people. Song of the Exile is filled with a fierceness, with regrets, and with sorrow. Set during World World II, it is a love story between Keo, a jazz musician, and his soul mate Sunny. They are deeply in love, and are driven in different directions by their deep passions: Keo for his music, which takes him to New Orleans, and Sunny for her sister who was stolen and taken to a prison camp in Shanghai. They chase each other — and the passions that separate them — around the globe, being ravaged by the atrocities of war, isolated from each other for decades, their hearts always returning to each other and to Hawaii.

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