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The Sound of One Hand Clapping

The Sound of One Hand Clapping

Author(s): Richard Flanagan

Location(s): Tasmania

Genre(s): Fiction

Era(s): Modern

‘Flanagan’s enthralling and powerful novel centres on a Slovenian couple, Bojan and Maria Buloh, and their daughter Sonja. The story begins in 1954, when Sonja is three, and ends in 1990, when she is in her late thirties . . . The novel begins with Maria Buloh . . . leaving the wooden hut in the Tasmanian highlands which is now her home. A blizzard is blowing, and behind Maria three-year-old Sonja cries for her to come back – but she does not . . . To understand why Maria leaves her child is to understand a little the impact of Nazi occupation on those who were scarred for the rest of their lives by what they had seen . . . The novel lives by its moments of defining truth’ Helen Dunmore, The Times

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