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Tales of a Midwife

Tales of a Midwife

Author(s): Maria Anderson

Location(s): England, Scotland

Genre(s): Autobiography/Memoirs

Era(s): Modern



Maria Anderson trained as an NHS nurse and went on to become a midwife, a job she has adored for over twenty years.
After fainting whilst attending her first three births, Maria went from nervous trainee to assured midwife and in her brilliant memoir she recounts the highs and lows of life inside the maternity unit. From frantic fathers and breaking her hand during a traumatic home birth, to witnessing the delivery of quads and the ultimate devastation of assisting the delivery of a stillborn baby, Maria has had an extraordinary career.

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This book takes you from Gateshead/Newcastle down to Surrey and London and up to Inverness. No. 10 in the Sunday Times Bestseller List, 11 March, 2012. The memoirs of a true Angel of the...

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