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The Amazing Racist

The Amazing Racist

Author(s): Chhimi Tenduf-La

Location(s): Colombo

Genre(s): Fiction

Era(s): Contemporary

Eddie trusted, an english school teacher in colombo, wants to spend his life with menaka rupasinghe, a vibrant sri lankan beauty, but her orthodox terror of a father stands in his way. If eddie wants to wed menaka, it is thilak rupasinghe who he must woo and whose farts he must kiss. Unfortunately, thilak wants his daughter to marry someone of the same race, religion and caste – if possible, maybe from the same locality. Eddie doesn’t tick any of these boxes, so instead, he must connect with thilak in other ways, be it through eating curries that make him bleed spice and breathe fire, driving drunk through red lights, threatening co-workers with violence or sleeping with snakes. Even then, will eddie ever be good enough for a man who hates the colour of his skin, entertaining, endearing and sparkling with wit, the amazing racist is the story of a man who finds a home among strangers, of a father-in-law whose bark is worse than his bite and of a bond, stronger than blood,that lasts beyond marriage.

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