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The Duke of Shadows

The Duke of Shadows

Author(s): Meredith Duran

Location(s): London, Rajasthan

Genre(s): Fiction, Historical, Romance

Era(s): 1850s



The setting for the first half of the book is India during the Great Uprising of 1857. Emma is the victim of a tragic shipwreck and she is the lone survivor, on her way to meet her future husband. She discovers her betrothed is not what she thought, a shallow and thoughtless man, who eventually betrays her. She also suffers under the strict more and values held by the British in India at the time. Then she meets Julian, a titled hero and of part Indian heritage and it is to him that she turns. Years later, in a cold and rainfilled London both of them have to face the consequences.

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Despite the rather “chic-lit” cover, this book takes the reader right into life in India under British Rule. Sapnagar Fort, the fictional fort in the novel, is based on real forts in Jodhpur, Jaipur,...

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