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The Love That I Have

The Love That I Have

Author(s): James Moloney

Location(s): Berlin

Genre(s): Historical

Margot Baumann has left school to work in the mailroom of a large prison. But this is Germany in 1944, and the prison is Sachsenhausen concentration camp near Berlin. Margot is shielded from the camp’s brutality, as she has no contact with the prisoners. But she does handle their mail; and when given a cigarette lighter and told to burn the prisoners’ letters, she is horrified by the callous act she must carry out. Intending to send some letters in secret, she is drawn to their heart-rending words of hope, of despair, and of love. This is how Margot comes to know Dieter Kleinschmidt: through the beauty and the passion of his letters to a girlfriend, also named Margot – which become the catalyst for a huge act of courage.

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