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The Other Side of Trust

The Other Side of Trust

Author(s): Neil Robinson

Location(s): Cambridge, Tehran

Genre(s): Political, Thriller

Era(s): Contemporary

When the world is turned upside down, who can you trust?

Cambridge, England – a professor with links to Iran’s nuclear programme is found dead on a park bench, a victim of poisoning by persons unknown.

At the same time, in New York, USA, a leading cardiologist is killed in an apparent hit-and-run.

And in Hamburg, Germany, a successful academic publisher is shot dead on a backstreet.

What links the deaths is that the victims were all prominent Iranian émigrés, and were all members of the Tehran Committee, an underground dissident movement.

British Secret Intelligence Service agent Sebastian Friend is tasked by ‘C’ to seek out who was responsible for these murders, a mission which at first seems deceptively simple. But as with so many things in the shadowy world of espionage, all is not what it seems. Friend finds himself in a battle for survival as he follows the trail from Cambridge to Tehran and then back to London, untangling a complex web which could throw the entire established world order on its head.

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