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The Rhino Conspiracy

The Rhino Conspiracy

Author(s): Peter Hain

Location(s): South Africa

Genre(s): Political, Thriller

Era(s): Contemporary

In the last decade over 6,000 rhinos have been killed in South Africa. Relentless poaching for their horns has led to a catastrophic fall in black rhino numbers. Meanwhile a corrupt South African government turns a blind eye to the international trade in rhino horn. This is the background to Peter Hain s brilliantly pacey and timely thriller. Battling to defend the dwindling rhino population, a veteran freedom fighter is forced to break his lifetime loyalty to the ANC as he confronts corruption at the very highest level. The stakes are high. Can the country s ancient rhino herd be saved from extinction by state-sponsored poaching? Has Mandela s rainbow nation been irretrievably betrayed by political corruption and cronyism?

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