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Winter Flowers

Winter Flowers

Author(s): Angelique Villeneuve, Adriana Hunter (Translator)

Location(s): Paris

Genre(s): Fiction, Historical

Era(s): WW1



It’s October 1918 and the war is drawing to a close. Toussaint Caillet returns home to his wife, Jeanne, and the young daughter he hasn’t seen growing up. He is not coming back from the front line but from the department for facial injuries at Val-de-Grace military hospital, where he has spent the last two years. For Jeanne, who has struggled to endure his absence and the hardships of war, her husband’s return marks the beginning of a new battle. With the promise of peace now in sight, the family must try to stitch together a new life from the tatters of what they had before.

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Author: Tina Hartas

Winter Flowers is set in the tail end of the war years, when everything was still very much a struggle – for those on the battle lines and differently for those valiantly struggling to...

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Lead Review

Author: Tina Hartas

Winter Flowers by Angélique Villeneuve, short novel set in WW1 Paris. Translated by Adriana Hunter. As always with any novel from Peirene Press, the quality of the book is truly wonderful. They take such...

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