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Too Young to be Old: From Clapham to Kathmandu

Author(s): Frank Kusy

Location(s): India, London

Genre(s): Humour, Travelogue

Era(s): 1980s

When Frank starts working with old people, he reignites a young dream. And sets out to make it come true.

As Frank Kusy turns 27 he is unexpectedly put in charge of an old people’s home in Clapham, South London. Driven to distraction by a crazy cast of characters he seeks solace in Buddhism, only to find himself up to his ears in plasticine pigs and marathon chanting sessions. Will he make his mum happy by holding down a ‘proper’ job? Will he make her unhappy by becoming a writer? Will he get to share cheese sandwiches with Kevin in Kathmandu? And will he be forced to exchange his underpants in Japan?

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