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Zorba the Greek

Zorba the Greek

Author(s): Nikos Kazantzakis

Location(s): Crete

Genre(s): Fiction, Historical

Era(s): Early 20th Century



Set before the start of the First World War, this moving fable sees a young English writer set out to Crete to claim a small inheritance. But when he arrives, he meets Alexis Zorba, a middle-aged Greek man with a zest for life. Zorba has had a family and many lovers, has fought in the Balkan wars, has lived and loved – he is a simple but deep man who lives every moment fully and without shame. As their friendship develops, the Englishman is gradually won over, transformed and inspired along with the reader.

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This is the book behind the film, it is life affirming, full of zest and energy and probably as fresh today as it was then. This has so much, a bit of history, a...

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