Novel set in USA, VIETNAM and JAPAN
GIVEAWAY – it’s off to Paris via fiction!
2nd September 2018
It’s off to Paris via fiction!
We have a copy of Leila Slimani’s Lullaby, a novel that has been a real hit in 2018. But readers are quite divided. We thought it was an excellent read with many layers! Here’s your opportunity to make up you your own mind. It was Good Housekeeping Book Room’s pick for August 2018.
We are offering a wooden book box with a Paris motif and a Parisian tote bag, as well as a copy of Lullaby (and maybe just a couple of other nice Parisian-themed items to SURPRISE you!).
How to enter:
Thinking about French art, which of the 3 paintings below would you like to see on your wall and why? 1 2 or 3? Just let us know in the comments below by midnight UK time, on 15th September and the first name out of the hat will be sent the package! And a delightful package it will be! Good Luck!! Giveaway is UK ONLY!

1. Monet (who was in fact Oscar-Claude Monet, who knew?) 1840 -1926 was a founder of the Impressionist Movement. Beautiful paintings inspired at times by his house in Giverneyn the French Revolution.

2. Paul Cézanne 1839 – 1906 was a post-Impressionist artist and laid the foundation for changes of art into the 20th Century

3. Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1841 – 1919 was a leading painter in the development of Impressionism. He was a celebrator of beauty and feminine sensuality. He sought inspiration in the galleries of the Louvre.
Do come and join team TripFiction on Social Media:
Twitter (@TripFiction), Facebook (@TripFiction.Literarywanderlust), YouTube (TripFiction #Literarywanderlust), Instagram (@TripFiction) and Pinterest (@TripFiction)
For more books set across Paris, just access the TripFiction database!
Congratulations to the first three people out of the hat when we drew the prizes earlier today! They are:
Kelly Jones
Leila Benhamida
Victoria Cunniff
Their prizes will shortly be on their way!
The Monet – So Pretty
The Cezanne – I saw his paintings first at the Ashmolean in Oxford when I was 10 and just fell in love with them .
The Monet because it is so relaxing.
1. The Monet love this picture as its so restful
I like Monet because it is so relaxing
I think it would be the Monet for me due to the calming colours and theme but it’s just personal preference. The Renoir is very Parisien but also very busy. You could look at it every day and see it in a different way. It’s a painting you have to be actively involved in. The Monet could just wash over you if you needed it to.
1. Monet is a classic, it would love truly wonderful in my lounge! 🙂
Number 1 its my favourite Monet peace and just oozes calmness and serenity.
Number 2 I love landscapes the colours are lovely and I can imagine standing below the mountain and looking at it’s beautiful majesty
No. 3. Full of life and movement, energetic and vibrant. So much energy it feels alive, more than a painting or even a snapshot in time.
Got to be no.1 Waterlilies by Monet
Have seen it in real life and it is a beautiful calming restful painting
Love the colours
3. renoir – so full of life!
3. The Renoir as it’s so full of life and there is a new story to be told in every single brush stroke.
I don’t know much about art but I love painting 2 the mountain in the distance makes me think of going on a journey or adventure. I could spend long time imagining what I could see from the top.
I’ll have to pick the Monet – this is one of my favourite paintings. I just love the colours and I find it relaxing to look at.
Most definitely number one, Monet! I look at that painting and I am transported to a place of peace, calm and serenity.
1. Monet. I find looking at it very relaxing.
3. Belle epoque Paris – I’m sure this is when and where I should have been born. Heart says Paris but postcode says Hull unfortunately.
3.Pierre-Auguste Renoir. I have never seen this painting before and I have sat here staring at it for 10 minutes. I have been looking at the composition and theme and I must admit I am transfixed. I would absolutely love this on my wall. In fact I am going to go print a copy and hang it up. If nothing more thanks for that.
The Renoir painting (3) with a beautiful and uplifting snapshot of life in Paris and lots of details to keep looking at.
Monet – he is my favourite artist, I have a print of “Gare Saint-Lazare” on my bedroom wall. I love how his brushstrokes seem to stand out from the canvas.
Number the 3 the Renoir. Beautiful snapshot in time of a timeless activity in Paris!
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Number 1 I love monet so therapeutic
Cezanne – shows all the seasons in one painting.
Monet it’s there one for Me perfect picture in anyone’s home
Has to be Number 1, in fact we already have it and a few more of Monet’s prints. They are just so calming and evocative of a wonderful summer.
I wish our pond looked like this but sadly we had no flowers on our water lilies this year.
The Monet would be lovely in the bedroom. The colours and subject are so dreamy and relaxing. Would ease my insomnia!
Renoir, I love the way he paints women and his use of colour. His brush strokes are the best and his crowded paintings are simply awe inspiring. It makes me wish I was in one of his paintings.
I usually like landscapes best but out of these three I’d choose number 3 – Renoir. It’s full of life and I enjoy people watching and imagining who they are, where they’re going.
We have a lot of landscape and nature art up on our walls, so I’d go with #2, the Cezanne. Thanks for running this competition!
Renoir, so very Parisian !
No. 3 – I love the fact so much is happening in the painting and I think you’d see something different every time you looked
Number 2. Cezanne-for the beautiful bold use of colour and brush strokes-and colour makes me happy!
I would love 3 Renoir as my late mother had the print on her wall so it always reminds me of her.
Number 1 – Monet
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Picture 1. Would love to look at picture and dream of going to Giverny.
Monet, definitely.
Me and my mum visited the waterlilies at MoMA in NYC when we went and spent a whole hour just taking in how beautiful it is.
Like many people it has for be 1, Monet. His paintings have always filled with me joy, so vivid and alive. When I was a student my Mum used to send me little ‘happiness parcels’ and there would always be a Monet notelet in there and I had all of the tiny images up on my wall. Would LOVE a bigger print on my wall 😀
Number 1 for me. My little boy painted a copy of a Monet and I have had that on my desk for years. Would love one for my wall.
I would enjoy looking at No. 3 the print by Renoir. I love people watching and imagining what their stories are, where they have come from and why they are here.
No 1 Monet
This is a beautiful painting of beautiful water lillies.
I would have to pick Monet’s picture. (no. 1)
My husband and I visited Giverny this year, our first holiday in France without the grown up children and it was lovely.
I would choose number 2, the Cézanne, partly because it is not as well known as the others (well, to me anyway, but mainly because of the feeling of space and of serenity that I feel from looking at it. Thanks for the chance to enter!
Number 1. I just love those beautiful colours, and so calming
Number 1. My little boy once painted a copy of a Monet. I framed it and that is on my desk!
I’d love to have number 1 because Monet is my favourite artist and I always thought his paintings are like fairytales
I would choose number one, partly for its beauty, and the endless joy to be got from examining all those layers of shimmering colour, and partly to remind me of the importance of maintaining a child-like passion for fairness and egalitarianism, something which Monet demonstrated in his stance against the anti-semitism evident during the “Dreyfus Affair”.
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I would love number one these paintings lift my heart
I would love picture 2 on my wall. I love the colours and I would look at it and imagine all the life and stories taking place within it.
No 1. Just love those water lily paintings. One day I will go to Giverny …
3 because my mother had it on the back of our kitchen door as I was growing up – happy memories.
Number 1
Number 2. It’s cheerful and full of colour.
No.1 Monet. I went to Paris when I was about 19, I’m 51 now and would love to go again.
Love the Monet picture which really draws you in and calms your thoughts.
No 2. I love Cezanne’s layers of colour and detailed brushstrokes, his Mont Sainte-Victore pictures are exquisite.
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No 1 for me
I like the Paul Cézanne one – I love to see a view that I can transport myself too and imagine the world around it.
Pierre-Auguste Renoir. Every time I look at this painting, I Know I’ll see something new.
Pierre-Auguste Renoir, I know every time I’ll look at this painting there’ll be something I’ll see for the first time.
Monet as I went to Paris in my early 20s and saw his painting for the first time and have never forgotten how amazing I thought they were!
1. Monet A trip to Giverney is on my bucket list as I love his flowers paintings
1. Monet. A trip to Givenchy is on my bucket list and I just love Paris
No.3 love people watching, it’s such a happy friendly scene.
The Cézanne, in fact we already have a print of that exact painting on our living room wall, that’s how perfect for me it is!
It has to be no. 2 The Cezanne. I love his work as I love impressionist art. His colours are bold but his landscapes are inviting and imaginative. Stunning!
Would love the 1.Monet on my wall as it would lift and refresh my spirits whatever my mood
No 1, the Monet, as it is such a peaceful scene.
I have never visited Monet’s Garden, it’s on my bucket list!
Will have to wait for next year now, I think, as the waterlilies will no longer be in bloom! ☺
Ps. Just love your competitions, so exciting!
I would like to see 2. Paul Cezanne’s paintings on my wall as his type of painting laid the foundation for changes of art in the 20th century
1 monet – his paintings are aspirational and dreamlike .. such beautiful detail and use of colour
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Monet. It is pure and simple french elegance. It would be an honour to have it hang on my wall.
I’d love to see a Monet. I saw them in real life in an exhibition and was blown away by seeing them – just amazing when you get to experience them.
2. Lots to think about in this picture – lots of depth and so peaceful.
I would choose A as Monet is my favourite painter. This painting is so dreamy I can imagine sitting on a grassy bank looking at it.
Monet for me – love garden scenes and water lilies.
1. Monet. Such beautiful and relaxing colours.
3. Pierre-Auguste Renoir painting, I love the study of people as I love people watching
Number 1 Monet, I love the calm scenery of water lily, very relaxing and incredible.
1- such a classic print – love the colours
I love the Monet as it remind me of our trip to Monet’s garden and standing on the actual bridge and looking at the water lilies on the pool.
No. 1 A reminder of Summer all year through!
Painting number 1 (Monet) for me.
I think the Renoir because you will always fin something new to look at that you hadn’t seen before.
Love Monet – got 4 prints in my living room.