Blogs in January 1970

Bad Boys Down Under 1st January 1970

Sizzling in Sydney – Sexy, macho Cameron Crane knows he needs San Francisco marketing guru Jennifer Talbot to take his Australian surf and boogie board business into the lucrative American market. No worries, mate. He’ll just seduce the little...

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Slow Man 1st January 1970

On the Magill Road in Adelaide, Paul Rayment is cycling, had an accident and has his leg amputated. A succession of carers look after him at home and in particular he bonds with Marijana – they both grew up...

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Oyster 1st January 1970

This story of a cult messiah, Oyster, is set in an outback opal mining town in Queensland. The novel attempts to explore the clash of extreme cultural differences – the nature of evil, the relationship between good and evil...

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Nights in the Asylum 1st January 1970

Written in spare yet sensuous prose, Nights in the Asylum is the story of three people seeking shelter: it is also a story of home, of belonging, of leaving one home and trying to make another, where-ever and how-ever...

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Three Dollars 1st January 1970

Eddie is an honest, compassionate man who finds himself, at the age of thirty-eight, with a wife, a child, and three dollars. How did he get that way? He is a university graduate. He married an attractive intelligent woman,...

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