Blogs in August 2015

Burke and the Bedouin 12th August 2015

Spy thriller based around Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt in 1798. From Amazon: 1798. James Burke, British spy, is in Egypt. His task: to investigate the rumour that Napoleon is planning an invasion. It turns out that the French are coming...

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Lyrics Alley 26th October 2014

Set in 1950s Sudan, LYRICS ALLEY is the story of the powerful and sprawling Abuzeid dynasty. With Mahmoud Bey at its helm, the family can do no wrong. But when Mahmoud’s son, Nur – the brilliant, charming heir to...

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From the Holy Mountain 20th October 2014

A rich blend of history and spirituality, adventure and politics, laced with the thread of black comedy familiar to readers of William Dalrymple’s previous work. In AD 587, two monks, John Moschos and Sophronius the Sophist, embarked on an...

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The Map of Love 7th October 2014

In 1900 Lady Anna Winterbourne travels to Egypt where she falls in love with Sharif, and Egyptian Nationalist utterly committed to his country’s cause. A hundred years later, Isabel Parkman, an American divorcee and a descendant of Anna and...

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Warlock (Egyptian Series) 24th September 2014

Hidden away in the vast and forbidding deserts of North Africa, Taita has passed the years since the death of his beloved Queen Lostris in prayer and study. He has become the Warlock, wise in the lore of the...

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