Blogs in January 1970

Death on Tour 1st January 1970

Texas high school teacher Jocelyn Shore and her cousin Kyla are on a “dream” tour of Egypt when things take a nightmarish turn: One of their fellow travelers, Millie Owens, takes a fatal fall off one of the Pyramids....

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The Sacred River 1st January 1970

Harriet Heron’s life is almost over before it has even begun. At just twenty-three years of age, she is an invalid, over-protected and reclusive. Before it is too late, she must escape the fog of Victorian London for a...

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The Golden Scales 1st January 1970

Parker Bilal is the pseudonym of the Sudanese novelist Jamal Mahjoub, who, like many “literary” writers, is venturing into the detective genre. The setting is present-day Cairo, where in a broken-down houseboat on the Nile, former police inspector Makana...

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Live from Jordan 1st January 1970

On the eve of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, Pittsburgh native and graduate student Ben Orbach traveled to the Middle East to experience the region first-hand. Despite having a degree in Middle Eastern studies, he was completely unprepared for...

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The Glass Collector 1st January 1970

Fifteen-year-old Aaron lives amongst the rubbish piles in the slums of Cairo. His job? To collect broken glass.His life? Wasted. His hope? To find a future he can believe in . . .

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