Lead Review

  • Book: The Book of Perilous Dishes
  • Location: Bucharest
  • Author: Doina Rusti, James Christian Brown (translator)

Review Author: tripfiction



The novel opens in the year 1798, when the city and environs were buzzing with a melting pot of people and cultures. Everyone, it seems, is searching for the slave-cook who happens to have a witch’s recipe book in his possession – The Book of Perilous Dishes. Recipes – amazing dishes brought together in this single tome. When suitably consumed they can cause all manner of unexpected after effects, they have power and possibility far beyond the imagination of most mortals.

There is mayhem, mysticism and murder as the rightful owner of the book, 14 year old Pâtea, goes in hot pursuit, clutching a map that her uncle has left her.

The novel has a curious will o’the wisp quality, featuring characters who dance and prance through the pages, whipping up a colourful storm of words, a foment of febrile activity.

The slim novel has fairy tale qualities, darker issues, food and creative storytelling. The novel will appeal to those readers who love a bit of magic and otherworldly elements in their stories.

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