The Other Child by Charlote Link
- Book: The Other Child
- Location: London, Scarborough
- Author: Charlotte Link
When I received this book I was extremely excited to read this it, since it is written by a German author, and translated into English. I have read only 2 books translated to English from some different language, and I didn’t really enjoy the translation. I found this book amazingly readable and was drawn into the story since the first few pages. The plot was interesting by itself, and the thing I found interesting was the fact that she placed the characters into Scarborough, England. Since she hasn’t been there in the time I admire the amount of research she mush have done to describe it so perfectly. The farm, the scenery, everything made me want to go there to experience this rural part of England. The story is filled with surprises, and it was an absolute pleasure to read the book from start to the end. To my surprise I found Leslie extremely interesting, and thought she was, as well as Dave, a little bit better developed than Fiona. I don’t know if it is the result of translation, but I would really like to read the book in German to be able to see the differences. The book is not a gruesome thriller, but I loved the fact she makes you go down the few blind alleys before you find the right was and the truth behind the whole story. It makes you think about them even if you are not reading while you are trying to work out what happened. Multilayered story, interesting and dysfunctional characters, haunting story of love, cruelty and obsession will make you read this book in one breath. If you are lover of crime mixed with love and romance then you will definitely love this book. I would really love to see this story made into a movie, and I hope Charlote writes many books like this one, since they are the ultimate holiday read.