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The Other Child

The Other Child

Author(s): Charlotte Link

Location(s): London, Scarborough

Genre(s): Crime

Era(s): Modern, 1970s, WW2



In the northern seaside town of Scarborough, a student is found cruelly murdered. For months, the investigators are in the dark, until they are faced with a copy-cat crime. The investigation continues apace, yet they are still struggling to establish a connection between the two victims.

Ambitious detective Valerie Almond clings to the all too obvious: a rift within the family of the second victim. But there is far more to the case than first appears and Valerie is led towards a dark secret, inextricably linked to the evacuation of children to Scarborough during World War II.

Horrified at her last-minute discovery, Valerie realises that she may be too late for action…

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An interesting and atmospheric crime thriller (Sarah Chapman We Love This Book )

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