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Author(s): Pierre Lemaitre

Location(s): France, Paris

Genre(s): Crime, Thriller

Era(s): Modern



In kidnapping cases, the first few hours are crucial. After that, the chances of being found alive go from slim to nearly none. Alex Prévost – beautiful, resourceful, tough – may be no ordinary victim, but her time is running out. Commandant Camille Verhœven and his detectives have nothing to go on: no suspect, no lead, rapidly diminishing hope. All they know is that a girl was snatched off the streets of Paris and bundled into a white van. The enigma that is the fate of Alex will keep Verhœven guessing until the bitter, bitter end. And before long, saving her life will be the least of his worries.

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‘Brutal crime writing with a tinge of Gauloise … brilliant’ Daily Mail.

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