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Author(s): Isobel Blackthorn

Location(s): Western Australia

Genre(s): Fiction

Era(s): Contemporary



Seeking asylum from the wreckage of her life, Yvette Grimm arrives in Australia on a holiday visa. She applies for permanent residency with no hope of success. Resisting advice that she marry to stay in the country, Yvette invests her hopes in a palm-reader’s prophecy that she will meet the father of her children before she’s thirty.

She’s twenty-nine.

Set in the excoriating heat of an endless Perth summer, against the backdrop of asylum seekers locked in detention, Asylum is a gripping tale of loss and belonging that is dark, absurd and hilarious by turns.

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Yvette is at times a challenging character. Likeable or not, this is a good read set against the sweltering heat of Western Australia

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