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Berta (Muchacha Series Book 1)

Author(s): Olivier Bosman

Location(s): Colombia

Genre(s): Fiction

Era(s): 1970s

The ‘Muchacha Series’ is a collection of five light-hearted novellas which tell the story of Hans and Annie – a young Dutch couple who move to Colombia for work in the early 1970’s. Through a series of poignant and bittersweet observations, we witness their struggle to settle in this beautifully exotic – but sometimes dangerous – country. They have to contend with the constant presence of a snobbish and claustrophobic group of ex-pats; the slow deterioration of their relationship; and a seemingly never ending quest to find themselves a good and reliable maid.

Part 1: Berta

At first Annie is reluctant to take on a maid for her new home. She doesn’t want another woman in the house, but Hans is determined. A live-in maid equals status and all the other ex-pats have one, so they must have one too! And so they employ Berta – a solemn, sour-faced girl with a mysterious mile long stare. What is that look in her eyes? Boredom? Indifference? Resentment? Annie must learn to live with this oppressive and enigmatic maid, but can she ever learn to trust her?

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