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Author(s): Annemarie Allan

Location(s): East Lothian, North Berwick

Genre(s): Children, Fantasy, Science Fiction/Future



Tom and Beth are not happy when they move to North Berwick and find themselves facing a rainy, windswept beach, a house that’s falling to pieces and a school full of strangers. When they meet Professor Macblain, with his weird and wonderful inventions, little do they know that he has a secret: not only is he a thief, but he has stolen the one thing that can save the Firth of Forth from environmental catastrophe. A daring adventure unfolds in this funny and fast-paced tale of disasters waiting to happen.

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‘This book has bite; it’s a gripping story as the twins desperately keep the Professor’s secret whilst also risking their lives to help him in his mission. It’s part thriller, part sci-fi. But, actually,...

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