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California Sister

California Sister

Author(s): Gloria Mattioni

Location(s): Bergamo, Italy

Genre(s): Fiction

Era(s): Contemporary



A sister’s love versus a cruel fate. A story of fierce love and heartbreaking grief.

Claire Waters, an Italian mystery writer living in Los Angeles, rushes to Italy after her older sister’s devastating brain-hemorrhage, determined to restore her health-or help her die with dignity. Claire is a gritty decision-maker, a lone wolf who values freedom above all else. Her sister, Ondina-now on the edge of death or living a severely limited life-is wise, cautious, and sociable. They may be different, but have remained close despite the distance. Claire is faced with a dilemma impossible to solve. Would her non-verbal sister want to go on struggling, damaged as she is, or end her suffering? Forsaking her career, Claire hardly leaves her sister’s side, refusing to give up the hope of healing. It takes an exhausting and lonely year for stubborn Claire to listen to her silent sister.

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