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Camino – or a peanut butter, marmite and banana butty

Author(s): Lisa Rose Wright

Location(s): Galicia

Genre(s): Travelogue, Autobiography/Memoirs

Era(s): present

In hindsight, deciding to walk the Camino de Santiago carrying everything but the kitchen sink was probably a mistake. Realising the chance of reaching their destination in three short weeks is a big fat zero, Lisa and partner S do the only thing they can: they turn inland to the beautiful and bounteous land of Galicia – and fall in love.
A sort of prequel to Plum, Courgette & Green Bean Tart, this short story follows our intrepid heroes on a Camino journey along the stunning north coast of Spain from Gijón in Cantabria to Ribadeo in Galicia and thus inland to find the sort of beauty and derelict houses they had only ever dreamed of.

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