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Pulpo, Pig & Peppers

Author(s): Lisa Rose Wright

Location(s): Galicia

Genre(s): Autobiography/Memoirs, Travelogue

Era(s): 2000s

Galicia, in the remote northwest of Spain: a land of mists and mysteries, green fields and greener forests; of vines and vistas, rivers and rias; and of erratic weather and warm hospitality.

Galicia: the place Lisa, husband S, and 90-year-old Mum, Iris, call home.
Join los tres as they visit some of their favourite places in this wild and unspoilt part of the Iberian Peninsula.

From Viking festivals to undiscovered beaches, Celtic roundhouses to Galician peppers, and from mountain villages to ancient forests – each chapter is devoted to one trip, one experience, one more enjoyable adventure here at the end of the world.

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