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Chestnut, Cherry & Kiwi Fruit Sponge

Author(s): Lisa Rose Wright

Location(s): Galicia

Genre(s): Autobiography/Memoirs, Travelogue

Era(s): 2000s

What do you do when you have almost, but not quite, finished renovating one ruin?… Buy another one of course!

After seven years living in the remote northwest of Spain, Lisa and husband S are finally getting near to completing the renovations of their stone farmhouse. They have no intentions whatsoever of buying another house, never mind another ruin, but that is exactly what they do.
It’s all in a good cause – Lisa’s mum, Iris, has finally agreed to move to Galicia. Now they have a year to make this ruin habitable before La Jefa arrives, with 63 years’ worth of household possessions in tow.

The bumper third book of the Writing Home series, Chestnut, Cherry & Kiwi Fruit Sponge, follows two more wonderfully witty and food-filled years in Galicia:

Join us for more building, more bureaucracy, and much more fun, when Mother makes three in Galicia.

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