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Chilled to the Bone (3)

Chilled to the Bone (3)

Author(s): Quentin Bates

Location(s): Iceland, Reykjavik

Genre(s): Crime

Era(s): Modern



When a shipowner is found dead, tied to a bed in one of Reykjavik’s smartest hotels, sergeant Gunnhildur Gisladottir of the city police force sees no evidence of foul play but still suspects things are not as cut and dried as they seem. And as she investigates the shipowner’s untimely – and embarrassing – demise, she stumbles across a discreet bondage society whose members are being systematically exploited and blackmailed.But how does all this connect to a local gangster recently returned to Iceland after many years abroad, and the unfortunate loss of a government laptop containing sensitive data about various members of the ruling party? What begins as a straightforward case for Gunnhildur soon explodes into a dangerous investigation, uncovering secrets that ruthless men are ready to go to violent extremes to keep.

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‘Superior crime fiction set in Iceland… this is a well constructed, well written and satisfying police procedural’. The Times.

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