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A Chorus of Cockerels: Walking on the Wild Side in Mallorca

A Chorus of Cockerels: Walking on the Wild Side in Mallorca

Author(s): Anna Nicholas

Location(s): Mallorca

Genre(s): Travelogue

Era(s): Modern

Life in rural Mallorca continues to hold its magic for Anna and her family.

When not juggling work deadlines, chatting with Johnny the toad or managing her ever-growing menagerie, Anna sets off to explore the lesser-known areas of the island.

On her cultural and historic voyage of discovery, she visits fig, olive and snail farms, a textile mill, a sobrassada sausage factory and learns of Mallorca’s rich literary legacy. In-between marathon training in the Tramuntana mountains – a UNESCO world heritage site – she is spooked when delving into the myths and Moorish legends that still seem to haunt the surrounding hills, as she examines the ancient remains of ice houses and huts of charcoal burners and hears tales of terrifying brigands that ruled the area in the seventeenth century. And she even finds time to hike the Camino de Santiago along the way…

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