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England Expects

England Expects

Author(s): Sara Sheridan

Location(s): Brighton, Cambridge, London

Genre(s): Fiction

Era(s): 1950s



1953, Brighton, London and Cambridge. When sports hack Joey Gillingham is murdered in a barber’s chair the reason he is in Brighton for the day is unclear. His body is whisked away mysteriously and ex-Secret Service backroom girl Mirabelle Bevan finds her curiosity piqued. Is Joey mixed up in a betting scam as everyone seems to assume or is there a link between his death and the poisoning of an elderly cleaning lady, which takes place the next day? Mirabelle and her sidekick Vesta Churchill soon find themselves breaking into Brighton’s Royal Pavilion and following a trail that leads them to a Cambridge college where masonic ritual and academic tradition mask an audacious blackmail attempt. But has Mirabelle bitten off more than she can chew this time?

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Such a wonderfully evocative book of Britain, 1950s….

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