Post WW2 thriller set in Lithuania, Germany, and France
The King of Macau
JACK SHEPHERD IS THE kind of lawyer some people call a troubleshooter. At least that’s what they call him when they’re being polite. Shepherd is the guy people go to when they have a problem too ugly to tell anyone else about. He locates the trouble for them, and then he shoots it. Neat, huh? If his life were only that simple…
One of the world’s largest casino operators hires Shepherd to stop a massive money laundering operation targeting its casino in Macau, a tiny place on the South China Coast that is the biggest gambling center on earth. While Shepherd is looking for the source of the black money moving through the MGM Macau, a frightened man who claims to have detailed knowledge of the most secret schemes of the North Korean government approaches him. All Shepherd’s new pal wants in return for spilling all those secrets is political asylum in the United States and a house in Hawaii.
Plunged into a modern-day Casablanca on the South China Sea — a bubbling caldron of gangsters, gunrunners, money launderers, hustlers, gamblers, con men, and spies — Shepherd joins forces with the beautiful and enigmatic daughter of a man everybody calls the King of Macau to shut down the black money flow and bring his defector in alive.
Move too fast, and he’ll lose control of everything. Move too slow…and Macau might just kill him.
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