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The Lion Hunter

Author(s): Daniel Pembrey

Location(s): Tanzania

Genre(s): Fantasy, Novella

Era(s): Modern

Andrew and Lavinia Riley are on their honeymoon at an African game lodge when they meet a Texan trophy hunter. Andrew, a journalist, senses a timely story about lion hunting, and engages a local guide to learn how the lions are tracked in this remote borderland of north Tanzania. Andrew finds lions, but his inquiries draw him into a different type of danger altogether – with local tribesmen. Soon, his only hope for survival lies in an unexpected source.

‘The murder of the lion Cecil outraged people all over the world. Daniel’s reaction was to write this terrific story, with a totally unexpected twist. I read it in one sitting.’ John Rendall, animal conservationist and author of A Lion called Christian

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Author: tripfiction

A terrific review on Linda’s Book Bag here “The setting of Tanzania is instantly recognisable to those who’ve been there with the full range of senses woven into the narrative so that it is easy to...

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