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Loving Modigliani

Author(s): Linda Lappin

Location(s): Montparnasse, Paris

Genre(s): Mystery, Travelogue

Era(s): Mostly 20th century



Linda Lappin’s new novel examines the real and imagined aftermaths of the 1920 death of the artist Jeanne Hébuterne, lover and wife of the painter, Amadeo Modigliani. An artist in her own right, Hébuterne died in a fall from a window two days after Modigliani’s own demise from tuberculosis.
In Loving Modigliani (Serving House Books, 2020), Lappin shadows Hébuterne’s ghost through the afterlife and takes readers through the darker corners of the European art world on a posthumous hunt by the living for her missing artwork.

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Author: Tina Hartas

I think many people will have heard of the artist Amedeo Modigliani but few will have heard of Jeanne Hébuterne, his common law wife and mother to his child. I studied art history and...

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