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The Messenger of Athens #1

The Messenger of Athens #1

Author(s): Anne Zouroudi

Location(s): Dodecanese Islands, Symi

Genre(s): Mystery

Era(s): Modern



When the battered body of a young woman is discovered on a remote Greek island, the local police are quick to dismiss her death as an accident. Then a stranger arrives, uninvited, from Athens, announcing his intention to investigate further. His methods are unorthodox, and he brings his own mystery into the web of dark secrets and lies. Who has sent him, on whose authority is he acting, and how does he know of dramas played out decades ago?

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‘In this fascinating thriller, the remote Greek island of Thiminos seems untouched and untroubled by modern life – until the battered body of a young woman is found at the foot of a cliff’...

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