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Moonlight in Odessa

Moonlight in Odessa

Author(s): Janet Skeslien Charles

Location(s): Odesa

Genre(s): Fiction

Era(s): Modern

I loved my native city, but how I longed to escape, to go to America – a land full of eligible men…

Twenty-something Daria is an intelligent, bilingual secretary who should have her pick of the men in Odessa – except that the only men who are making advances are a dashing mafia gangster and her boss. Fearful that she’ll be fired for refusing to sleep her way to the top, she decides to moonlight at Soviet UnionsT, an international marriage broker. But as she bridges the language gap between Odessan beauties and lonely American men she wonders if she will ever escape the trappings of Ukrainian life and find true love.

When she intercepts a message from a mild-mannered teacher, e-mails fly back and forth across the Atlantic. Daria soon finds herself much closer to the American dream than she had ever imagined, but will the charms of California prove to be more irresistible than all that she is prepared to leave behind?


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