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Author(s): Jasper Winn

Location(s): Ireland

Genre(s): Autobiography/Memoirs, Travelogue

Era(s): Modern



Part memoir, part Irish travels, part lunatic endeavour, Jasper Winn’s account of paddling round Ireland in a kayak, during one the worst summers in recent history, is both hugely inspiring and entertaining. A journey of the mind – as well as out at sea, amid the basking sharks, seals, fulmars and waves the size of wardrobes. And while storms rage, Jasper seeks refuge in bars, playing guitar and talking, as only the Irish can, with everyone along the way. All of which makes for a unique inside view of the new and old Ireland, from a man never quite sure if he’ll come through the next day in one piece.

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A little gem of a book, giving insight into Ireland and a personal journey. There’s lots here, I read it as I was travelling in the Cork area and it really added another dimension!...

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