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Six Slovenian Poets

Six Slovenian Poets

Author(s): Brane Mozetič

Location(s): Slovenia

Genre(s): Poetry

Era(s): Modern

Six Slovenian Poets is the first in a new series of bilingual anthologies which brings the work of a younger generation of poets from across Europe to a wider English-language readership, a series which aims to keep a finger on the pulse of the “here-and-now” of European poetry.

The six poets represented here — three men and three women — are all under 40, have all been published for the first time within the past decade, and all (though in very different ways) break with, and re-evaluate, the Slovenian literary tradition. This tradition is outlined in the informative introduction to the anthology by Aleš Debeljak, from which it becomes clear that these young poets, all of whom take an independent nation-state–with its benefits of unrestricted education, communication, and travel–as a given, may have more in common with their peers from the rest of Europe and North America than with their Slovenian forebears.

Energetic, unexpected, at times hard-hitting, this volume makes for an exciting and thought-provoking beginning to the “New Voices from Europe and Beyond” anthology series

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