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The Abomination

The Abomination

Author(s): Jonathan Holt

Location(s): Venice

Genre(s): Thriller

Era(s): Modern



THE VICTIM: On the steps of Santa Maria della Salute lies the body of a woman, wearing the robes of a Catholic priest. In the eyes of the Church, she is an abomination.

THE INVESTIGATOR: Captain Kat Tapo has matched the victim’s tattoo to graffiti in an abandoned asylum. Now she’s been ordered to close the case.

THE HACKER: Carnivia.com is a virtual Venice that holds the city’s secrets. Only its reclusive creator can help Kat unearth the shocking truth…

THE ABOMINATION has arrived.

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‘The characters are strong, Venice is a magnificent backdrop and it has an arresting opening … impressive’ Daily Mail.

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