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The Traitor

The Traitor

Author(s): Jonathan Holt

Location(s): Venice

Genre(s): Fiction, Thriller

Era(s): Modern

The Traitor (The Carnivia Trilogy): 3

He died in the darkness, surrounded by friends. They found him at sunrise, on Venice’s most popular beach.

His throat had been cut, his tongue removed. Captain Kat Tapo suspects a Masonic ritualistic murder. She knows the brotherhood won’t give up its secrets to a policewoman – but she’s determined she won’t give up the hunt. She’ll use all the allies she has: friends, lovers, hackers, spies.

But shocking truths about the case are about to come to light. And when they do, it will be a race against time to unlock the secrets of Italy’s past – before Venice itself starts to burn…

This is the final novel in a trilogy of stylish and intelligent thrillers set in Venice from Jonathan Holtwho, under the name J.P. Delaney, is also the author of the Sunday Times bestselling psychological thrillers The Girl Before and The Perfect Wife.

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