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The Burning

The Burning

Author(s): Devin Asante

Location(s): London

Genre(s): Historical, Fiction

Era(s): 17th Century



London 1666. Young Agnes Wilmore arrives in the bustling city from the small of Castle Combe to pursue her dreams.
Robert Hubert, a romantic sociopath, takes advantage of the girl on her first night in town, and from that point on, he pursues her relentlessly. Agnes does everything she can to curtail Hubert’s advances, but Robert will not be dissuaded. To complicate matters even further, a ruthless religious sect, the Ranters, is convinced that Agnes’s new baby is the future Antichrist and they are on a mission to kill the child before he becomes an adult and ascends to power.
The girl finds solace and employment with a fine Christian couple who take Agnes in as their own and as a caretaker for their three children. In the process, she meets a London police officer who also takes a romantic fancy to her, which enrages Robert Hubert and puts all their lives at risk.
The Burning moves dramatically forward to a fiery climax when Robert’s final desperate act to win Agnes’s love ignites London and threatens to destroy the city and claim untold lives. Will Agnes escape Robert before the flames of his obsession claim her life and the life of her child?
A riveting, fast-paced novel with colorful characters, obsessive romance, action, and drama.

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